I hesitated long and hard to write this post because it meant admitting yet one more chink in my now-all-but-non-existent armor. Not having ever gotten into watching "The Bachelor" for reasons I mostly attribute to having better things to occupy the space in my brain reserved for inane nonsense, I somehow fell into the rabbit hole while on travel several weeks ago. I turned on the t.v. and there he was, Juan Pablo, pushing back the hair behind the ear of a beautiful girl and asking her, "What are you thinking?" Wow, he seems so sensitive, I thought. Maybe just one episode....
Fast-forward one, two, three, 18 weeks later to the point at which we got to hear from "the ladies" about their feelings regarding Juan Pablo, who has somehow narrowed down his field to two women, one to whom he might just propose next week (or not----it's a man's prerogative to change his mind, right?) Here is simply a sampling of what they had to say about the man over whom they had previously been drooling profusely the last few weeks: *He says "it's alright" way too much *He never asked me about myself. *He uses his language difference as an excuse for just being rude. Here's what I know to be true---sounds like an issue of communication to me. Frankly, it's about relationships, as well. "The Bachelor" is by its very nature a very contrived situation. Guy goes out with girl. Guy kisses girl. Guy goes to talk to another girl....guy kisses her, too. (see the theme?) The bigger thing is: I wouldn't trade my true relationship with my dear husband, Dave, for the WORLD!! Real relationships are just that---real---filled with give and take, not using excuses for bad behavior, trust, honest conversations, and so much more. Just for today, perhaps we can be real with those in our lives. Happy Communicating!! Shelly
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