![]() Sometimes, I actually feel silly for being so grateful for the things that make me so happy. For instance, even though I didn't get upgraded on one of my flights home the other evening, there was an empty seat between me and the guy who was sitting by the window. Sounds silly to even type it, but as soon as that boarding door shut, he and I both looked at each other with sly looks that clearly indicated we were not going to have to be squished together like bugs or have to jockey for the armrest. By the way, there needs to be a protocol to which everyone on planes adheres about armrests. If you have a middle seat, you are already packed in like a sardine. So why don't we aisle and window people give "middle seat guy" a break and give them the arm rest? But wait! If we do that, then they will end up with two armrests while window and aisle people would only get one. Whaaaaat? That can't be right, can it? But, really, why can't it? (I'm so afraid this portion of my blog is going to get more traction than the point about being grateful). I got home from Washington, DC on Wednesday night (late----I didn't get back home until midnight, and then I have to decompress for a few minutes by reading in bed before I can fall asleep). I got to sleep in for just a bit on Thursday morning, but on Friday, I had to teach a webinar all day. Saturday morning felt (I don't know another word to use except this one, so hang with me, please) "delicious", as I didn't have to get up for anything. I still can't stay in bed past a certain time of the morning (I refuse to state that time, or, once again, I fear my blog topic will morph into the proper wake-up times for "sleeping-in" days), but having the choice made so much difference in my world! Curling up in our comfy bed with comforters, duvets, and lots of pillows (plus two Labs who allow us to sleep in the bed rent-free) just feels perfect after traveling almost every single week the last couple of months. While I have been traveling, Dave has been perfecting the fine art of making banana bread. While we watched church from our bed this morning, I had hot chocolate and a piece of Dave's banana bread. It might be sinful, but I prefer to believe it was heaven sent, just as Dave is in the first place. For his special recipe, you will have to take it up with him. I just want the loaves to keep coming. It is truly divine, I can tell you that much! While I am gone for work during so many weeks this fall, I frequently have found that there are so many times that I just miss the pups so very much. Dave is so great about sending me pictures or videos of LC chasing butterflies, or deer, or her latest need for a conquest ---- armadillos. She'll get near one; the armadillo goes down it's hole, then LC is beside herself wondering what in the world to do from there. All the while, Kirby is doing his own thing---walking around urinating on bushes and trees to mark his territory. They are just so much fun to watch. Getting to read a book for pleasure has become one of my most highly coveted pastimes. Just because I am crazy busy does not keep me from reading a few pages to a couple of chapters every single night. What do I read? I love fiction dramas (Jodi Picoult and Chris Bohjalian are two of my favorite authors who tend to deal with current-even inspired ethical dilemmas), murder mysteries, legal thrillers and action/fast-paced novels of almost any type. I'm always open to hearing about your favorite authors in any of these authors or genres, by the way. Spending a few minutes at night before bedtime reading the current book I'm reading helps me relax (along with a couple of Twizzlers and a couple of caramel-filled Werther's) and might also help round out the craziness of the day's Uber drive to or from the airport or flight to or from a venue. Simple pleasures? Seems like it might be truly simple and almost just this side of trite. But I think, if looked at it another way, it's easy to see that viewing the simple things in life as gratitude builders helps me not get so wrapped around the axle about the little things that could become grains of sand that get inside my bathing suit. I prefer the former, for sure. So, what is it for you? What are those little things that keep you from taking life too seriously? Please share some with me! I would love to hear them!! Happy Communicating! Shelly
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